Friday, September 21, 2012

Transformers Fall of Cybertron (PC) review

Transformers Fall of Cybertron is an excellent game that follows and improves upon its predecessor. Really, other than a few minor detail, I enjoyed it a lot. It's not a revolutionary game, but it's a good one.

Character. New characters are introduced. Shining new design of the robots based on the original comic is what separates itself from the Michael Bay movies, and gain the support of both the fan boy club and the general public. Funny dialog and distinct personality in each character just makes it more engaging for the player.

Plot. Following the story in Transformers War for Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron, as always, does well on delivering a good and complete story with organized plot structure.

Vehicle Mode. Vehicle fight level is more fun, engaging and faster pace than ever. Really giving you dynamic ways to fight the battle.

Weapon. Each type of robot has different special ability to use (stealth etc.) which is a plus and makes them distinguishable from each other. There are a lot more weapon you can use, both Light and Heavy weapons and you can upgrade them using in-game credit (that I never get enough of them). After awhile, the Megatron cannon is the most powerful Light weapon. It's not hard to find which makes it unbalance for the other Light weapons.

The edge. There are so many times when I just fell off the edge of a platform and died. Mybe I am bad at it? But "balance beam" shouldn't be part of the gameplay. Mechanics in the game Uncharted should be implemented in this game, where a player will grab on the edge when it falls and try to climb back u.

Boss Fight. The boss fight level is static, and highly formulated. I feel like I am simply repeating the same steps every time. It's not fun and not challenging (not cleverly challenging) when you have to repeat the same step 3 exact times. And come-on! Using QuickTime Event to finally defeat Megatron does not make me happy. A cut scene will do just fine, or better than that.

PS. And yes, playing as Bruticus or Grimlock is bad ass.

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