Thursday, August 16, 2012

Prototype 2 (PC) Review

Prototype 2 (PC) Review
Pretty simple, it's as much fun as the first one except better, and without the frustration of the previous title. This is not a series with deep meaning or story. The whole purpose of this game is to make you feel like a bad ass controlling a super powerful "human" who tears everybody apart, literally. 

Most of the people will think that it's the exact same game like the first one. Well, it's, but, better. In fact, I don't want to go back to the previous game at all after playing this one. Now let's get down to it.

The main menu. In most of the games, there is this "Continue" button for you to load up the save and continue where you left off last time in the game. But Prototype 2, the save is already loaded for you when you launch the game. So when you hit "Continue", it takes no time to get back into the action. Of course this is great. But is this just an illusion of a fast loading? Does it mean that it takes longer to launch the game? What if you want to load a different save? 

Maybe I am over thinking. I usually left my seat to grab a drink or something when I launch the game, so I have no problem if it takes a little longer to load a save simultaneously. But nooooo, you have to wait for a short time for it to probably launch the game app, then it reminds you every single time that "This game has auto save feature" and please click "Enter" to continue to load a game save and proceed to the main menu. And there is nothing we can do about it other than just sit there, wait to hit "Enter" and wait for the main menu to load.

Cut scene! Here is my favorite part! In this game, you can pause or skip the cut scene anytime. If you are replaying the level and got tired of the cut scene, skip it! If this is a fire drill and you have to leave your room, just pause it and check back later. And you don't have to worry about skipping the cut scene accidentally because when you click on the screen, it will pause it and bring up a bar menu at the bottom with 2 choices, "Skip" or "Resume". No way you are going to miss that. This feature should be in every game with a cut scene, so that you don't have to sit through the long ass final cut scene every single time before the Mass Effect 2 final mission.

Leveling. The skill leveling system is not as freely as the first one, but still get the job done. Skills are acquired by accomplishing challenges, side and main missions, instead of by gaining points from the number of kills you get. Therefore the player can focus on everything else (the mission etc.) and not just doing mindless killing trying level up or unlock a new attack move.

Combat. The combat is much smoother and easier than the first one. The number of attack moves are reduced and replace by some new moves that are more practically and easier to execute. At any time the player can set 2 skills (Claw, Fist, Blade etc) onto the 2 buttons on the mouse to allow them being used freely. And by clicking, hold or in air, different attack mode of each skill will be executed. You don't have to think about which 4 keys you have to press to launch a fancy move that does the same thing as a basic punch.

(RIGHT: A new move that involves hanging enemies around the city using tendrils, which can make quite a scene after a battle.)

Additional moves are added when you climb on vehicles or grab a person. Giving you more choices on the attack while limiting it to the 3 basic keys that you kit a lot (mouse key and 'E'). Also when you try to consume a person silently, the consume will be cancelled if the person is visible to other enemies and alert you about it. So that you don't have to worry about triggering alarm that's unwanted.

The combat is easy, it's designed to be easy. "Finishing moves" are added to finish up tanks and helicopter when you climb on board and even when they still have full health. You can finish up groups of tank and helicopter easily instead of the frustration in the previous game. The block move is almost immortal in this game, same as the Batman like dodge move. Easy control, additional practical attack moves, and mighty defensive moves definitely make you feel like a bad ass, but some people will definitely ask for more challenge (This is an insane mode of the game).

After all, Prototype is fun. It's nothing big, but it definitely has some good feature that other games can learn from. Did I mention that it's fun? Not that I am a psychopath who enjoy tearing people apart, I just enjoy controlling a super hero like character who can beat the enemy like a bad ass.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

WOW Haven't post in nearly 2 years! Time to update!

So it has been 2 years since my last post. Had some really busy semesters and only played a few games. I am graduating next May. Really looking forward to that. First priority will be getting a job at a game studio as programmer.

To prepare myself for that, I made a game (more like tech demo) in Unity 3D for a class. We made it in a team of 5 in one month. It's not well polished but I enjoy the process. Since Cry Engine SDK is out, I am going to use it and make a game myself, with a game idea I have had for awhile.

Objective: finish the game by the end of 2012. Most likely it will be a tech demo, but 1-2 game level that shows my level design skill will be bonus.

I also got an internship at IMVU this summer, but it got canceled due to financial issue that the company is having (.....).  Anyway, I went to San Francisco for the summer 2012 and it's great. Spent a lot of time doing swing dancing which is currently my favorite hobby outside of gaming. This relaxing summer also gave me time to catch up the video games and TV shows that I missed.

Even better, I went to SIGGRAPH conference again as student Volunteer a week ago. It was great, I saw many interesting new technology, a great panel about the making of Avengers, and I got some nice chat with people in the video game industry.

Oh, and I also become a huge fan of the Rooster Teeth. I used to be only interested in the Red vs Blue series, and now I watch everything they made. Go check them out:

Last thing that I want to mention: games that I play and don't play.

I am trying to save money, so I have been playing some free-to-play game on Steam and they are great (some of them). Been playing Blacklight Retribution, Tribes Ascend and so on. Interesting stuff and I may write a post about them once I get more play time into it.

I bought LA Noire and Need For Speed: The Run last Thanksgiving. Also got Lego Star Wars III from SIGGRAPH. Haven't started them yet, need to do that some time. Good thing that I finished Uncharted 3 and Mass Effect 3. And I have been playing a ton of Battlefield 3!!!

So games I am not playing and possibly not going to play them: Skyrim, Minecraft, Day Z, and The Old Republic which is coming out for free. Simply because I love them too much. I know that they are good, and I know that I am not going to graduate on time if I play them. Although I have been watching a ton of videos on this games. So I may still write some reviews about them.

Now that I am jumping back into writing game reviews 2 years later, let's see how my perspective and focus is changed. Looking forward to the next post.